Synertek Process Equipment, Inc. has been a leader in dry process equipment applications since 1990. Whether the application requires weighing, blending, drying, milling, conveying, detecting contaminants or measuring dry solid materials at your manufacturing facility, Synertek Process Equipment will bring the resources of the companies we represent to solve process problems, clear bottlenecks and assist in the expansion plans of your facility.
Powders and dry solids come in many forms and have differing characteristics which make our experience essential to the success of a project. Sanitary design, handling volatile, degradable or abrasive materials are common and must be designed for in the conceptual stages of any project. Challenging materials with poor flow, hydroscopic or dusty properties are some of the other varied criteria Synertek successfully addresses on an everyday basis. In 30 years of operation Synertek has successfully dealt with these challenges across industry sectors, whether they are food, chemicals, plastics or minerals.
Contact us today to learn more.